Term | Definition |
AOI | Area of Interest |
Basic Authentication | Username and password |
CIR | Colored Infrared, commonly used for vegetation analysis |
GetFeatureInfo | Streaming protocol to obtain metadata |
Metadata | Information about data |
REST | ESRI streaming protocol, similar to WMS |
RGB | True color (red, green, blue) |
SOAP | ESRI streaming protocol, similar to WMTS |
Token | An access token used to authenticate streaming content |
Webstore | HxGN Content Program’s online store for customer to download pixels |
WMS | Web Map Service - layer designed for computation and accuracy. For HxGN_Imagery, the native projection for the United States is NAD83_2011_UTM_z## and Europe is WGS84 UTM. |
WMTS | Web Map Tile Service - cached layer optimized for performance. For HxGN_Imagery, the cache layer native projection is EPSG: 3857. |