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Frequently Asked Questions

Data specifications and coverage

  • What coverage is currently available?
    Our coverage includes the United States, Europe, and parts of Canada. Visit the HxDR Data Store to see if your area of interest (AOI) is available and to toggle between different layers such as resolutions and vintages.

  • What is the data resolution?
    Countrywide aerial imagery is offered at 15 cm and 30 cm resolutions in the United States and between 12.5 cm to 30 cm resolution across Europe. Please reference the specification sheets for more information on our countrywide imagery. In selected urban areas, 5 cm resolution true orthophotos, oblique imagery, and stereo imagery are offered through our Metro HD city program.

  • What is the data accuracy?
    The official accuracy of the 15 cm resolution imagery is +/- 50 cm and the accuracy of the 30 cm resolution imagery is +/- 1.2 m. These numbers are very conservative, and our customers have found the accuracy to be much higher in most areas.

  • Which airborne sensors were used to capture the data?
    The HxGN Content Program acquires aerial data using the market-leading Leica DMC-4, a large format digital airborne sensors.

Purchase processing and invoicing

  • What are the different purchase options?
    Countrywide aerial imagery is available for immediate download (pixel delivery) through the HxDR Data Store or through a streaming subscription. Streaming users can sign up for a 10-day trial or upgrade to a one-year streaming subscription. Should you require multiple licenses, please contact our Support Team.

  • How do I place a sales tax-exempt order?
    In accordance with applicable laws, Hexagon collects tax in most states based on the appropriate rate of sales tax in each state. Even if you are tax-exempt, you may need to pay taxes at the time of your purchase. If you think you’re eligible for a tax refund, please contact our Support Team and include the following information:

    • Name

    • Account Number

    • Order number

    • Items you’re requesting a refund for

    • Amount of the tax refund

Once your tax information is received, a refund will be issued for the taxes if the order meets the requirements for tax exemption. Once this process has been completed, the account used for this order will be connected to a tax-exempt certificate for future orders.

  • Can I demo the data before subscribing to the subscription service?
    Yes, please visit the HxDR Data Store to preview the data using a free tier layer zoom level. To get full access to higher resolution imagery, please sign up for a 10-day trial.

  • What are the terms of use?
    By accessing a Hexagon-enabled website or other means of accessing or downloading information, you accept the End User Access Agreement (EUAA).

Streaming platforms and protocols

  • Which protocols are supported?
    We support WMS, WMTS, ArcGIS REST and SOAP protocols.

  • Which GIS applications can I use to stream data?
    The streaming service is available as an OGC-compliant product which can be used across all GIS platforms including ESRI ArcMap, ArcGIS Online, Global Mapper, AutoCAD, GeoMedia and QGIS amongst others.

  • I’m in my GIS application. How do I add the data?
    In all GIS applications, you can add data from the HxGN Content Program by finding the option to add a WMTS layer. Please consult our Streaming User Guide on how to stream data for the most common GIS applications. Should you need further assistance, please contact our Support Team.

  • How do I know when the AOI was captured?
    Most GIS applications will have an option to “GetFeatureInfo.” Select this option and click anywhere on the imagery to access detailed metadata information including date of capture. Please read the streaming matrix for step-by-step instructions on how to obtain metadata.

  • What is the difference between cached and rendered layers?
    The cached services are a pre-cached, optimized service that always returns the latest data layer. This service works best for individuals who prioritize speed. The rendered services draw each layer individually, so the performance is a bit slower than the cached services; however, they allow more control when it comes to defining the map projection, different bands and resolution of the service.

  • I don’t have a GIS application. What can I use to view the data?
    Please visit the HxDR Data Store to preview the data using a free tier layer zoom level.

Streaming service account

  • How do I sign up for the streaming service?
    Please sign up for a 10-day trial or upgrade to a one-year streaming subscription by contacting our Support Team. Once you complete the credit card payment, you will receive a confirmation email and the account will be activated immediately. Your login credentials will be used to stream imagery into your GIS application. The annual subscription fee will be charged to the credit card on file. Should you require multiple licenses, please contact our Support Team.

  • Will I get notified when my streaming subscription is ending?
    Yes, you will receive an email one month before your subscription expires informing you that your subscription will be renewed.

  • How do I end my subscription?
    You can cancel your subscription at the end of the one-year period by giving one month written notice. Please contact our Support Team to cancel your subscription.

  • What is the Client Administration Tool? 
    The Client Administration Tools allows the account administrators to manage their streaming account information, administer user licenses for entire departments, update login information and payment details. The Client Admin Guide provides a quick overview of each of the features available for account administrators.

  • Who do I contact if I need help?
    We are happy to assist you. For technical questions, please contact our Support Team.

10-day trial subscription

  • I signed up for a free 10-day trial subscription. Now what?
    You will receive a confirmation email with additional resources to help you stream data to your GIS application. The resources are also listed here for your convenience:

When your trial subscription expires after 10 days, please contact our Support Team to upgrade your account to a one-year subscription.

  • Can I extend the length of my 10-day trial?
    We believe 10 days are enough to trial the subscription service and do not allow extensions of free trials. Should you have a special need for an extension, please contact our Support Team with your trial extension request.

  • What applications can I use to trial the data?
    The streaming service is available as an OGC-compliant product, making it compatible with any GIS application that supports WMS or WMTS protocols. All popular GIS applications such as ESRI ArcMap, ArcGIS Online, AutoCAD, GeoMedia, Global Mapper, and QGIS can be used to view our data.

  • Which data layers are included in the trial?
    You will be granted access to two data layers with your trial subscription:

    • HxGN_Imagery

    • HxGN_Imagery_CIR

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