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Batch Processing

The HxGN Content Program offers an imagery archive for AI/ML training and select real-time information extraction use cases. The archive is available using standard OGC-compliant streaming protocols like WMS and WMTS. 

In addition, the Content Program provides direct access to the underlying multispectral source imagery that is stored in a non-proprietary cloud optimized GeoTIFF format and is ready for direct access through Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3).

The load created by AI/ML engines or any batch processing can be extremely heavy. With that in mind, the Content Program provides separate endpoints to be used for these applications. The use of Token Authentication is also highly encouraged. 

Batch endpoints:

  • WMS:

  • WMTS:

There is a lower rate limit of requests per second that applies to the batch processing endpoints. All batch processing applications are expected to handle the return Error Code 429, which signifies "rate limit exceeded."

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