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Accessing Custom Layers

You can access three types of data layers through your streaming subscription:

  • HxGN_Imagery: A cached layer created to enhance performance and is optimized with the newest imagery available. It is comprised of both 15 cm and 30 cm resolution data.

  • HxGN_Imagery_CIR: A non-cached layer that contains color-Infrared (CIR) imagery and is configured with the newest imagery available. It is comprised of both 15 cm and 30 cm resolution data.

  • HxGN_RGB/CIR_xxcm: A non-cached layer that contains normal color (RGB) or CIR aerial imagery for the noted resolution and area.

Access to Custom Layers

For a WMS connection, add the parameter HxGN_Custom=True to the end of the URL connection string to reveal the custom layers.

Example – Access Custom Layers

For example, the parameter was added to the URL connection string above to access additional rendering layers (e.g. 15 cm and 30 cm resolutions separated, leaf-off layers, etc.).

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